Wednesday, January 16, 2013

XXVc Notebook- First Adventure & etcetera

So, I ran the "meet & greet" portion of my adventure "The Curators" for Dragonsfoot Lounge pals Ettin of Hexen and Vondan. Ettin is playing a Warrior named Rad Randy, a mutant (more about mutants later) with "neutron hair" and Dan is playing a Tinker Engineer whose name we don't know yet who has a "strong sexual attraction to cutesy-wootsie cartoon characters" (to paraphrase Robert Williams) and carries a "giant" wrench.

In brief, the two have been bid by a group known very informally as The Curators to venture forth from the Montreal arcology into deepest, darkest Ottawa, Ontario in search of artifacts of the past. Since Randy is the tour guide on this trek, he got to pick the mode of transportation there and so chose to take the St. Lawrence river via canoe.

...and that's as far as we got before my shitty internet connection dropped and left my dick in the dirt for a couple of hours.

Next we move on to Howard Chaykin's great 1980's comic American Flagg! and how it relates to XXVc. I'm just going to quote from the synopsis of the comic from Wikipedia. A surprising similarity reveals itself therein-
However, the exiled American government, its corporate backers, and a group of technicians in the defected Soviet lunar colony of Gagaringrad form the Plex: a giant, interplanetary union of corporate and government concerns that conduct commerce and govern the United States from its capital on Mars. Many population centers are grouped around massive, fortified arcologies called Plexmalls and the law is enforced by the Plexus Rangers, the absentee Plex's Earthside militia.
Not exactly the same, of course, but replace the Plex with RAM (the Russo-American Mercantile Corp.) and it parallels XXVc's set-up rather closely in parts. The Wiki article goes on to talk about how the Plex manipulates the poor schmucks of Earth through various means, almost all of which would work well in the game. At least a game set primarily in the arcologies.

As it's been a really long time since I read AF!, there may be other bits I'm overlooking. If I manage to find them in my collection, I'll give 'em a once-over and swipe to my heart's content.

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