Monday, April 29, 2013


I found this interesting article at about emerging scientific fields and wondered how they might be utilized in sf rpgs. I'm going to relate them, of course, to those rpgs I'm most familiar with, which in this case happen to be classic Traveller and (if you've been paying attention) Buck Rogers XXVc.

Already I'm thinking that a number of these will be relegated to "background science" since they're not the kinds of things that necessarily make for good adventure stories. On the other hand, never say never. Any of these could potentially make for a good adventure seed, I suppose, but that's the point of this article, innit? Gonna have a look at each one and see if we can find a gem or to inside.

Neuroparasitology- Reminds me of an episode, maybe the pilot, of an old UPN series called The Burning Zone about a team of scientists combatting unusual (i.e. made up) viruses. The story I recall had to do with some kind of parasitical virus that "possessed" people to further some sort of world-domination plot. There's definitely an rpg plot or two to squeeze out of neuroparastiology for just about any sci fi game, I would think. Off the top of my head, I can't think of any Traveller adventures that involved behavior modifying parasites, but I do know that XXVc did cover manufactured viruses in one supplement (Earth in the 25th Century,) so manufactured parasites are a no-brainer.

Quantum Biology- I got nuthin'. Quantum shmantum, might as well be magic.

Exo-Meteorology- This is the kind of science that science fiction sort of renders moot. At least the kind that involves colonized worlds. It's strongly implied that this work was already done many years prior, as it facilitated or helped facilitate colonization on other planetary bodies, including asteroids.

Nutrigenomics- Strictly background science, but interesting stuff, nonetheless.

Cliodynamics- Described in the io9 article as "Asimov's psychohistory come to life," this science has already been exploited in a number of arenas, including comics, tv, and rpgs where it is a tool of Traveller's race of master manipulators, the Hivers. In XXVc, psychohistory (I feel I can dispose with the unnecessary "cliodynamics" in favor of Asimov's already established term) could be utilized by the Venusians, but it seems a little involved for RAM's brute force approach to problem solving.

Synthetic Biology- Probably common in modern sci fi games, this doesn't seem like a good fit with any version of Traveller (except maybe for some Ancients-style monkey business.) This is already integral to the genetic engineering-heavy background of XXVc.

Recombinant Memetics- When I was boy, we called it "propaganda" and we liked it! Maybe my Old Fart-ness is showing, but this just seems like a fancy word for Psy-Ops. In any case, using the word "meme" in any serious context is cause for alarm.

Computational Social Science- Described as "the rigorous investigation of social phenomenon and trends over time." *yawn* See Cliodynamics, above.

Cognitive Economics- NEXT!

Organic Electronics- Okay, if I understand this correctly, it's a more refined form of biomechanics. I suppose in science fiction terms it would be a background science that allows for whatever level of bionics you want, right up to pseudo-biological cybernetics. This makes for nice technobabble and not much else, but it's nice to have some new technobabble to throw around, right?

Quantitative Biology- Another nice bit of t-babble that don't mean sweet fuck all in actual game terms.

(Tune in next time when I analyze how io9 isn't as quite cool as they want us to think they are)

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