Friday, January 3, 2014

XXVc- Earth Views

So, I'm watching Elysium and the opening sequence smacked me in the face and said "XXVc Earth!" So I made some screen caps to share because I didn't have anything better to do at the time. I also included a couple of shots from the awful Buck Rogers tv series because hey, why waste a perfectly good image. The third wasteland shot is from Elysium. If you look close, you can see that those little dark squares are actually structures (that could be anything) and, in the upper right quarter, houses.

In a couple of shots, you can see what are probably supposed to be arcologies. The best one, I think, is the shot of Chicago from the tv show below. As always, click on the images to see them in IMAX.





  1. Now I see as Rad Randy sees. Now I know what Rad Randy knows.

    1. Now I'll never have to describe them again! Bwa-ha-haaaaa!
