Thursday, October 30, 2014

XXVc Notebook- Needle Gun Plus

XXVCR2 Earth in the 25th Century introduced the darter, weapon of choice for the discerning Cannibal of Tomorrow and perhaps the stupidest weapon in the game. It is certainly insulting, along the lines of giving American Indians "futuristic" tomahawks* that shoot lasers or explode. 

While the idea on the whole is awful, the darts used are still interesting and worth using somewhere else. But where? Join me now as we take a journey into the Future to find out....

The idea that those poisons used in those darts are only found in Buenos Aires and Guyana (?) and are unreproducible with 25th century science is also pretty stupid. It's not like it's Haitian voodoo powder or something.

Here are the different varieties of darts available:

Type A- A strong nerve toxin, which paralyzes the central nervous system, inhibiting all movement for 1d8 hours. Save vs Poison at -2; successful characters are slowed, capable of only half movement.

Type B- A mild soporific; save vs poison or sleep for 1d12 turns.

Type C- An alkaline which causes 1d8 damage on contact, no saving throw applicable.

Type D- A highly toxic substance capable of 1d6 points of damage and inducing convulsions for 1d8 rounds (save at -2 for limited duration of 1d4 rounds). Convulsing characters drop everything in hand and are immobilized, save for seizures.

Would these unbalance the lowly Needle Gun? In a setting that allows for man-portable particle accelerator guns and gamma ray lasers that can deal horrific damage, would a few non-lethal darts (and a lethal one) really throw everything out of whack? Put too much power in one character's hands? I don't think so. 

I would make them hard to come by, though. In my game, not every weapon is available at your friendly, local Ammu-Nation. I would say those darts are normally only available to military and para-military organizations (a local police department, for example) and would have to be acquired on the black market like some of the other death-dealing guns in the game. 

In addition, I'd require the civilian needle gun to be modified to accommodate them, rendering the gun useless for standard needles. Considering the ease in procuring a needle gun, it would be much easier to mod one than to acquire the military version.

*For the record, I have no problem including in a Buck Rogers High Adventure Cliffhangers game, since that kind of malarkey is not uncommon there.

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